You can Make a Positive Difference!

Visit our new Indiegogo Campaign!

Support WORLD for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Help WORLD as we celebrate National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2014 by spreading the word and raising awareness about the challenges and victories experienced by women living with HIV.

Please take a moment of your time on this special day to visit WORLD’s Indiegogo Campaign that takes you straight into the lives of women living with and affected by HIV.  You can hear in the words of several vibrant women just what WORLD means to this community.

We are very excited about this new campaign and the opportunity each of you has to make a difference in the lives of our women.  As a member of WORLD’s community partners and other supporters, you personally can positively impact WORLD, improve HIV/AIDS health outcomes, and promote the wellness everyone deserves.

If you are moved by this intention, please show us by visiting the WOW! Campaign, making a donation, and forwarding this important message today.  Helping is easy.  Click the link above or paste this link below into your browser.

Thank you for recognizing the importance of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

In Good Health,