WORLD Outreach Programs reach out to women through both prevention and intervention activities that link local individuals to necessary testing, care, and services. Getting to the heart of Oakland and surrounding communities, Outreach & Linkage Specialists participate in WORLD HIV testing events; street, venue, and direct outreach to community members; and serve as overall guides to women in our community who are at risk for HIV or are living with HIV. Through Outreach & Linkage Specialists, WORLD connects women living with HIV to primary care and supportive services when they have trouble accessing care or have fallen out of care. Outreach workers also make special efforts to connect with community members who may be managing challenging wellness systems related to mental health, medical health, substance and recovery, and other pieces of life.
WORLD has been engaged in outreach work since 2004 through a variety of funded projects and we continue to prioritize connecting with community members who can benefit from a WORLD staffer who is outstretching a hand. WORLD outreach programming works in collaboration with WORLD peer advocates and community health workers, local medical teams, and other community organizations to ensure women have ongoing access to necessary help and support. Outreach staff work tirelessly to ensure community members in need get the help WORLD offers, so if you see a WORLD outreach worker in your neighborhood, please feel free to introduce yourself. You will find you have just met a friendly and resourceful WORLD team member who will be anxious to help you connect with us.