Blog Tips and Worksheet:
Is there an issue that you want to talk about? An event that you want to comment on? A victory that you want to celebrate or a problem that you want to spread the word about? Blogging may be the answer for you. Use the PWN’s Blog Tips and Worksheet handout to help you craft a blog on issues important to you!
What is blogging?
Blogs are short interactive articles that provide commentary or news on a particular topic. Anyone can write a blog – be it one blog or a series of blogs. For example, some people write one blog on a topic like the need for housing for people living with HIV. Others write a series of blogs to talk about their experiences cooking different recipes as seen in the movie Julie and Julia. The content of the blog is completely up to you. Blogs are short articles, usually 250-700 words, that are meant to spark conversation from others reading the blog. Readers can respond, start a discussion, disseminate information, and so on through the blog.
I wrote a blog. Now what?
There are many options after you have written a blog. For certain events like HIV Testing Day or World AIDS Day, many organizations and agencies collect blogs to post on their website. If you would like to start a series and get readers to follow you, you can start your own blog website.
For the PWN Blog Tips and Worksheet, click here.
In sisterhood and solidarity,
the U.S. Positive Women’s Network
twitter: pwnusa
email: [email protected]