A WORLD Reminder: Register to Vote By May 23rd, 2016!

This is a big election year with many issues and lives at stake! So here at WORLD, we want to make sure that your voice is heard so we’re sending out this reminder that the last day to register to vote for our upcoming Primary Election on June 7th is NEXT MONDAY, THE 23RD.

The Primary election is when each state gets to vote who will represent them within their own party, either Democrat or Republican. And it is more important than ever to get to your polling place and cast your vote for the candidate that you want to represent you in the General election happening later this year.

voteBelow you’ll find some resources to help you register to vote online, find your polling place and what other local elections are happening. And if you have any questions, call our Policy and Advocacy Manager, Ivy Quiroz at 510.986.0340 ext 4062, or email her at [email protected].

So on June 7th, we hope to see you at a polling place, casting your vote!

Other Resources:
Find Your Polling Place And Other Info
List Of Statewide and Local Elections

Written by: Ivonne Quiroz, Policy & Advocacy Manager