Sponsored by the Ms. Foundation, the National Women and AIDS Collective will provide capacity building assistance to community based organizations in the form of a technical assistance (TA) based webinar series. For a select number of participating organizations, post webinar TA services will include access to subject matter experts via individualized TA sessions.
The Sisters-in-Service (SIS) Webinar series is comprised of three (3) ninety (90) minute sessions. The series will be held at 11am PT/2pm ET on the following topics and dates:
- Gender Responsiveness and the Treatment Cascade on Thursday, July 25th
- Preparing Peers to be Health Navigators on Tuesday, August 20th
- Impact of ACA on Women & Women Serving Organizations on Tuesday, September 24th
If you are interested, please click on to the following hyperlink to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/4317567009120862976
Download a PDF copy of the Save The Date for emailing, printing, and saving.
Please see Capacity Building for more information.