Turning the Tide in Oakland: AIDS 2012 Hub

Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases, U.S. Positive Women’s Network & The Greater Oakland Shadow City Coalition invite you to:

AIDS 2012 Report Back & Strategy Session for the Greater Oakland Community on Friday October 12th, 2012

Join WORLD, PWN, and the Greater Oakland Shadow City Coalition* for a day of exciting, timely discussions regarding the latest science and policy from the 19th International AIDS Conference and their significance for the Oakland community.

Elected officials, community advocates, providers, and public health experts will come together to strategize about how we can turn the tide on the HIV epidemic in Oakland.

WHEN: Friday, October 12, 2012 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PDT)
WHERE: Oakland Asian Cultural Center; 388 9th St, #290; Oakland, CA 94607
RSVP: Space is limited.  Please register at:  http:/oaklandaids2012reportback.eventbrite.com/
Serving a continental breakfast and delicious hot lunch from Anula’s Cafe!

Speakers and Presenters include (alphabetical by last name):
Jesse Brooks, BARAASEC
Stephen Chase, East Bay AIDS Walk
Cynthia Carey-Grant, Executive Director of WORLD
The Office of Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Gloria Crowell, Allen Temple AIDS Ministry
Dr. Moupali Das, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Anne Donnelly, Project Inform
Loren Jones, U.S. Positive Women’s Network and Alameda County Community Collaborative Planning Council
Dr. Marguerita Lightfoot, UCSF/Center for AIDS Prevention Research
Adriann McCall, Department of Health and Human Services, Region IX
Robert Newells, Healing Faith at Imani Baptist Church
Melissa Struzzo, HEPPAC
Mayor of Oakland Jean Quan
Ije Ude, WORLD/U.S. Positive Women’s Network
Dr. Ifeoma Udoh, Pangea Global AIDS Foundation
Tiffany Woods, Tri-City Health Center
Matt Sharp, Treatment Advocate

Agenda Outline:
8:30am Registration opens; breakfast

9:00am Welcome & Opening
Film Screening: Turning the Tide Together by Oakland filmmaker Abby Ginzberg

10-11:45am Plenary and Discussion: Turning the Tide with the Latest Science

11:45-1:00pm Lunch, screening of AIDS 2012 Plenary speech
Performance by Angelo Williams; winner of the Hip Hop 4 HIV contest

1pm-2:45pm Plenary and Discussion: Turning the Tide through Human Rights and Policy Change

3-4:05pm Meeting the Goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy in Oakland: Concurrent Strategy Sessions

4:05-4:30pm Next Steps and Closing

Members of the Shadow City Coalition include:
Get Screened Oakland
East Bay AIDS Walk
Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (WORLD)
AIDS Project of the East Bay
The Office of Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Pangea Global AIDS Foundation
TriCity Health Center
Lifelong Medical Care
Aid for AIDS Africa
Alameda County Collaborative Community Planning Council
East Bay AIDS Center
Office of Minority Health Resource Center
Department of Health and Human Services, Region IX
Healing Faith at Imani Baptist Church
Allen Temple Baptist Church AIDS Ministry