Media Contact:
Sonia Rastogi, Communications Coordinator, [email protected], (408) 306-6805
Marsha Jones, Executive Director, The Afiya Center for HIV Prevention and Sexual and Reproductive Justice, Dallas, TX: 214-753-3777 or 877-341-0003
Oakland, CA September 13, 2012 – The U.S. Positive Women’s Network (PWN), a national membership body of women living with HIV, is devastated to hear the tragic news that a young woman living with HIV in Dallas, Texas, was murdered for disclosing her HIV status to a partner. PWN calls for immediate action to eliminate HIV stigma and violence against women living with HIV.
On Thursday, September 6th, 28-year old Cicely Bolden was brutally stabbed to death after disclosing her HIV status to a sexual partner. Bolden’s body was found by her two young children later that day when they came home from school. [Read the full statement here].