WORLD is happy to report that beloved activist and superstar Nilda Rodriguez is steadily recovering from injuries sustained in a serious automobile accident several months ago. This recovery process, is not over, however, and we would like to support Nilda as much as possible. If you would like to visit Nilda or send her a personal message, call us at (510) 986-0340 or email [email protected] and we can help you do so!
As members of Nilda’s community, it is important that we visit her while she recovers. If you would like to visit her, she is staying at Excell Healthcare Center: 3025 High Street Oakland, CA 94619 in room 114. Visitors are allowed until 8 PM. If you have questions about visiting, call Felecia ([email protected]) at (510) 986-0340 extension 306 or Excell Healthcare Center at (510) 261-5200.