WORLD and the 30 For 30 Campaign stand with the National Women’s March as we prepare to march locally this Saturday, January 21st. The message below reflects the day of the Women’s March. To participate in the Oakland Women’s March, meet us at the corner of 10th Street and Jackson Street at 10 AM this Saturday. For more information, click here.
Contact: Melissa Torres-Montoya, JD/MPH, Director, [email protected] (Washington, D.C.)
“Today, millions of women, their families and allies, unite together in the nation’s capital and in cities around the country to march in support of women’s rights, racial justice, healthcare, immigrants and the lives of those in marginalized communities. On the first day of a new presidential administration that has disregarded, disrespected and actively campaigned against these vital issues and communities, the march is intended to serve as a powerful message to the Trump administration that women will lead the resistance and continue to push for a more inclusive, equitable and just United States. The 30 for 30 Campaign stands in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington and remains committed to defending our democratic ideals of equality and opportunity for all.
Enacted seven years ago under President Barack Obama, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been one of the greatest achievements of our growing democracy; enabling women, men and children to live healthier and fuller lives while also prompting vast economic opportunities.
The incoming Trump administration has expressed commitment to repeal the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood, both of which would have a devastating impact on the health of women and their families. Repealing the ACA would also jeopardize the lives of people with HIV, including the 25 percent of whom gained health coverage under the law. Repeal would put the health of women living with HIV at risk and stall prevention and treatment efforts. Limiting access to health care will take us back to an era where access to life-saving medications and high quality health care depends on socio-economic status and geography. The 30 for 30 Campaign is dedicated to protecting the health of women living with and affected by HIV and will take part each step of the way in resisting any threat posed to the health of our community.
Today’s march exemplifies the vibrancy and collective power of women and reminds the world that “women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights.” The 30 for 30 Campaign stands strong with marchers to actively engage in the democratic process, holding the line against regressive policies that restrict access and rights while continuing to push forward for greater progress. Despite threats by this administration to enact policies that undermine the health, and rights of women, today’s march shines forth as proof that our voices and will to fight for justice shall not be diminished.”
30 for 30 Campaign is a coordinating body of HIV and reproductive health organizations from every region of the country working to ensure that the unique needs of women living with and affected by HIV, including transgender women, are addressed in all relevant HIV funding, programs, and policies.