Be Educated, Get Tested, Be Empowered!

JOIN WORLD for an evening of “need to know” Facts, Myth-Busters, Interactive Activities and Dialogue about HIV in our community.
This is NOT a women only event.  ALL encouraged and welcome to attend

ON SITE HIV Screening (testing) Provided
March 10, 2010


Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church
528 33rd Street, at Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA


  • Every 35 minutes, a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States.
  • More and more women have become infected with HIV since it was first reported in the early 1980s.
  • Most women are infected with HIV through heterosexual contact and injection drug use.
  • Women of color are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. AIDS is now the leading cause of death for Black women ages 25 to 34.
  • Today, more than 1 in 4 Americans living with HIV are women…
It’s time to get tested!
Sponsored by WORLD, Get Screened-Oakland, and CAL-PEP
For more information contact Rhanna Ware or call 510-986-0340